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Middle East Empire 2027 Android app sale (Android app)

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Middle East Empire 2027 game is a free political and strategy turn based game designed in single player mode.

The year is 2027 and a big uprising took the existing government in your country. As the leader of the rebels you got unlimited authority in the country. The parliament got your nomination and you way to bring the country to be empire in the Middle East.

As new leader, your goal is to ultimately become supreme to all others.
Using everything from diplomacy to war, you must strive to build an empire, both economically and militarily, superior to all others.

In the game you select country you wish to lead and start to play.
Countries in the list: Egypt, Palestinian Authority, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus and Israel (Your country vs 16 other AI countries)

The game contain: Weapons suppliers (USA, EU, Russia and China), Spy Center, War Room, Diplomacy, Economy, Technologies, World News (Economy, Relations, Spy and War) and very smart AI...

The system design to think on thousands of possible scenarios and to choose the best way to win.
In the end of every game the system will show your score and what the AI think on your leadership skills.
The game have real data and based on CIA World Factbook.

Your support will help us to add new spy missions, diplomacy options and war actions.
Good luck new born leader :)

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