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Figwee Portion Explorer iOS app sale (iOS app)

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Figwee Portion Explorer is a stirring way to discover the actual calories and nutritional value in food.

This app is visual, using over 28,000 photos of meticulously weighed portions.

And it’s really simple.

Just type a few letters to search, browse the matching photos, and then tap to select the food you want to check out.

Use a slider to adjust how much is in the bowl, on the plate, or in the glass, and Figwee animates the photos and updates the nutrition information on the fly.

If you use a calorie counter, and you don’t guess the portion correctly, are you getting the most out it?

Figwee visually answers question like: How many calories are in a “yea high mound” of pasta? What does “4.0 ounces” of hamburger look like? How many “servings” are in the bowl of cereal I eat every day?

Figwee works on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, in both portrait and landscape, and requires either a 3G or WiFi network connection.

The Figwee Portion Explorer is not in itself a calorie counter, nutrition tracker, or a weight loss system, but is great when used in conjunction with them.

Figwee also does not have a bazillion items trying to cover all of the brands on the planet. Figwee is simple and visual by design. If you type apple, steak, wine, bread, breakfast, cheese, or any one of 1500 other of the most common foods, you’ll find exactly what you need…quickly.

If you are serious about counting calories or evaluating nutrition, the most important thing to get right is the portion.

Figwee: Learn. Have Fun. Enjoy.

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