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Outland - Space Journey iOS app sale (iOS app)

451 2.5

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***Best of 2016!***
Outland is the app for creating an atmosphere of space journey right in your living room. Hook up your device to TV or open it up on Apple TV to enjoy the beauty of space. The app plays beautiful videos accompanied with nicely arranged music that makes the experience of space deeper and stronger.

20 timelapse videos featuring:

Butterfly Nebula
Compilation of timelapses from the ISS
Calabash Nebula
Cat's Eye Nebula
Tropical cyclone moving over the Earth
Earth view during the Day and Night
Hubble Space Telescope flying over the surface of the Earth
ISS flying over the surface of the Earth
The lightning over the Earth aboard the ISS.
Winds of Jupiter
Flying around Minkowski's Butterfly Nebula
Watch Earth roll by through the perspective of ESA astronaut
Canary Islands to Italy
Planet Earth is Beautiful
ExoMars 2016 Liftoff
Flying from North Africa over Turkey
Liftoff of Vega carrying LISA Pathfinder
Flying over the English Channel
Sentinel-1B Prepares for Liftoff
A timelapse video by ESA astronaut Tim Peake

Experience the amazing collection of the best footage from the ISS and computer generated space sceneries. Turn your Apple TV into a spaceship window and select the distance you want to travel: fly over the continents aboard the ISS, travel to moons of Saturn or dive deep into space to inspect some of the most beautiful nebulae up close in 3D.

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202 MB

