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Archiver for RAR & ZIP Windows app sale (Windows app)

355 4.3

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Archiver for RAR & ZIP is an app for those who want to work with files comfortably! Zip / UnZip + UnRAR!

► Supported formats for file compression: ".zip", ".gz", ".bz2", ".7z", ".xz", ".iso", ".lzma", ".cpio", ".ar "," .lzip "," .lzop "," .lz4 "

◄ Supported formats to extract the files: ".zip", ".7z", ".bz2", ".bzip2", "* .gz", ".gzip", ".tgz", ".tar", "* .rar "," .xz "," .cab "," .iso "," * .lzma "," .cpio "," .ar "," .lzip "," .lzop "," .lz4

Using Archiver for RAR & ZIP you can do following:
- Pack files and folders;
- View processes of zip and unzip.
- Adjust compression parameters when creating an archive;
- Extract the entire archives and files from the archive separately.
In addition Archiver for RAR & ZIP has the support of multivolume archives and the ability to unpack password protected archives.

Start to use the best app for zip / unzip your files Archiver for RAR & ZIP right now!
Work with files will be the pleasure! Use Archiver for RAR & ZIP - create archives and zip files, unrar archives and extract files quickly, easily, without any problems!

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