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Avirall Time Suite Windows app sale (Windows app)

792 4.4

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Avirall is top rated and ad-free. It received 250K downloads in first 180 days. As of Apr2015, worldwide, Avirall has been downloaded by 480,000 Windows Phone users. Overall Avirall has 38000 reviews with 4.8 star average ratings. It has been featured 2000+ times by Microsoft store.

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Avirall's time keeping has all tools to help you with
► Gym
► Sports
► Games
► Workouts
► kitchen
► Cooking
► Timing kid activities
► Freelancing
► Work
► Projects
► Day job

Even if you have gotten Avirall Pro for FREE, it will be without ads & fully loaded. Promise!

With Avirall, create timekeepers & don't worry about device shut-down, OS updates, or even completely dead phone for multiple days (of course the app should still be available on phone and working when you bring the device back to life)! When your start again you will find all timekeepers tracking time! You can create 100s of running timekeepers on the same device and even switch off the device. When you come back to the app, all your timekeepers will still be correct to the millisecond precision.

Simple to pro tool set Avirall is WP exclusive suite of innovative MS precise pro tools

Few of the features: Splits Laps Averages graphs ▫ Tasks & profiles ▫ Notifications ▫ Photos in lib share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Messenger Reddit Google WhatsApp Skype LinkedIn Message ▫ Pin to Start

Avirall Usage Scenarios: Timekeeping applies to all areas. Philosophers say, every existence is defined in terms of time & location. Following are some real life usages of time keeping where Avirall works wonders:
■ Sports- stopwatch timer activities in Soccer Football Cricket Table Tennis ▪ Track lap times in racing sports car motor ▪ board games Chess cards
■ Pros- Clock office work ▪ proj rates earning ▫ image reports analyse charts export CSV data ▪ progress report plans to client & improve UR finance & bank balance ▪ check out, check in & breaks
■ Workout- Track swimming running jogging laps ▪ cardio yoga Pilates Karate fitness ▪ exercise timings
■ Education - Study- Time school homework of class subject ▪ Timetable ▪ Complexity of Math Science Physics Chemistry Formula problem ▪ Helps Parent map acts
■ Health- sleep time (non SOS, emergency)
■ Home- kitchen - Time: Boil egg ▪ cook dish ▪ recipes ▪ time family members
■ Games- Create & start a timekeeper to track how long played Angry Birds, Temple Run, etc
■ Avirall is useful for travel, entertainment, etc.
■ For 7.1, 7.8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile

Future FTRs
Custom music & ringtones for alarms ▫ OneDrive int ▫ Pedometer ▫ Day Countdown
Works on all vers of Windows Phone & Nokia Lumia models. Runs on Windows Phone 8.1. Plz share with friends and family

[̲̅K̲̅][̲̅n̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅w̲̅][̲̅n̲̅] [̲̅I̲̅][̲̅s̲̅][̲̅s̲̅][̲̅u̲̅][̲̅e̲̅][̲̅s̲̅]
Switching app (going out of app and coming back in) sometimes unexpectedly closes it(only in Windows Phone 8.1 and later updates). App closes but timekeepers are NOT affected. Restart the app and find time tracking of all created timekeepers still accurate to millisecond. An update is in the working to fix this issue.

Price Last month

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3,4 MB

