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Sunrise and Sunset Windows app sale (Windows app)

659 3.8

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SUNRISE AND SUNSET is App of The Day on myAppFree, don't miss your daily deals

This app is helpful when you are hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, taking photos or exercise any other outdoor activity.

It shows today's sunrise and sunset times and the remaining time until the sun sets (during daytime) or rises (during night time) for your current location. You can further see the time for solar noon (when the sun reaches its highest point on the sky) and the length of the day (time span between sunrise and sunset).

The times are shown in the regional format you have selected on your phone (12 hour AM/PM format or 24 hour format).

You can deny access to the location service and select the location you want the sunrise and sunset times calculated for, by using a map where you can zoom in with your fingers and DOUBLE-tap at the desired position.

Sunrise and sunset times are always displayed in your local timezone (not the timezone of the location you might have selected on the map).

The live tile updates sunrise and sunset times periodically for the last selected location (if location service access is denied) or your automatically updated current location (if location service access is allowed).

Privacy policy:

This app optionally uses the built-in location service to determine your position in order to calculate the sunrise and sunset times for your location.

The location data are only used locally on your phone for these purposes.

Your location data are not shared with or disclosed to any other party in any way.

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641 KB

