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Art Break: Draw, Relax & Boost Your Productivity Android app sale (Android app)

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Chaos Control: Art Break is probably the most enjoyable way to boost your productivity. 5-10 minutes of drawing with this elegant app will improve your focus and energy level throughout the day.

Think of Chaos Control: Art Break as a fun alternative to meditation. Or you may consider it to be a drawing tool created specifically to relax your mind. Either way, anytime you’re feeling stressed, worn out or in need of a break, try doodling with this app. What you will experience is the pure pleasure of creating beautiful shapes with simple strokes. Unique drawing tools allow you to create impressive sketches in a matter of seconds. And you can fashion quite sophisticated drawings, even if you’ve never considered yourself artistic!

Now, imagine how fulfilling it would be to create something beautiful so quickly. Your energy level goes up, your self-esteem skyrockets and you feel ready to do pretty much anything! This is exactly why we created Chaos Control: Art Break. To give you a way to boost your productivity while having some fun.

While the app was designed to boost your productivity and focus, it’s totally up to you how and when to use it. If you play with it for 5 minutes during lunch to get energized, great. If you spend hours drawing just for fun, that’s awesome too.

Here are some situations when drawing with Chaos Control: Art Break might be useful:

Early in the morning. As an alternative to traditional meditation you can draw for 10 minutes and reach the “mindfulness” state which lifestyle gurus are always talking about. But instead of just sitting and doing nothing you can end up drawing something Instagram-worthy 😇

During your commute. Spending an hour on a bus or train isn’t much fun, is it? Instead of killing time on Facebook, try drawing on your mobile. By the time you’re at your office you’ll be filled with energy and might even be able to skip that morning coffee 😎

Before starting a huge task. While it may look like procrastination to others, a short drawing session before beginning a big or complicated project will improve your focus and boost your motivation. After all, you’ve just created a piece of art with your phone, nothing’s impossible! 💃

When you are stressed. While it’s hard to avoid stress altogether, you can definitely reduce it with art therapy. One way to deal with negativity is through art. Ask Vincent Van Gogh or Kurt Cobain about that 🤔

While taking a break. When you have a few minutes to spare, sketching is a great way to recharge your batteries and create positive momentum 💪

Before bed. This won’t suit everyone because using a phone before bed isn’t always a great idea. On the other hand, drawing is a relaxing, so… 😴

And after all, drawing with Chaos Control: Art Break is pure fun so enjoy the app and have a productive day!

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