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Cute Red Parrot on Next Branch Android app sale (Android app)

341 3.4 100

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You look at the bird and can’t keep smiling. Immense stream of life energy flows.
Wonderful cute red parrot on branch.
The sounds these wonderful creatures utter are really wonderful.
You look at the bird and can’t keep smiling.
You see, the smile is over your lips and you feel touched.
There is something mesmerizing in them and the colors are surprisingly bright.
Immense stream of life energy flows into you as you touch this wonderful child of nature.
If you close now your eyes and just listen the chatter of the parrot and other birds
you can try to imagine that you in some exotic place, for example Australia.

* Now supported Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" and Android 7.1.1 "Nougat".
* Realistic Quality HD Artwork, truly Live 3D Animation in HD Appearance.
* Few minor update and optimizations to improve compatibility.
* More our live wallpapers at:
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