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Network Reconnect Android app sale (Android app)

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Network Reconnect is a network signal tool that can help you reconnect with the network by a tap of a button. Network Reconnect can force stop the network connection and restart the network connection so that Android will set up a new fresh network.

Why you need Network Reconnect?

Your device can lose network connection due to several reasons. Most of the time your device reconnects automatically. But sometimes automatic reconnection fails and your device might stay unreachable for a longer time. This issue can be solved by a force network reconnection. Network Reconnect can help you regain your connectivity in less than a minute if you are in range of a network signal tower.

How Network Reconnect works?

Step 0: Before starting scripts, Network Reconnect saves ,Initial Network Strength.
Step 1: Force stop network connection.
Step 2: Force start network connection.
Step 3: Saves the Resulting Network Strength.
Step 4: Compares Initial Network Strength and Resulting Network Strength. If Resulting Network Strength is healthier than Initial Network Strength, then stops all scripts as Network Reconnection is successful. If not, then repeats Step 1 through Step 4 till its a success or till it reaches Maximum Failure Retry. Maximum Failure Retry can be configured in Settings, Default value is 1.

✓ Manual Forced Network Reconnection.
✓ Automate Forced Network Reconnection. [PRO]
✓ Data Sync.
✓ Optional Forced WiFi reconnection.
✓ 1x1 Home screen widget. [PRO]

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