Thermostat CH140 gsm pro discount icon

Thermostat CH140 gsm pro Android app sale (Android app)

385 3.8 50

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With this app , unofficial , can be controlled in a simple and intuitive thermostat CH140 gsm Fantini Cosmi .

The ' App is definitely less full of ' original application but intelliclima 's goal is to improve the user experience .

For example, using the change of temperature for a defined period of time it is possible to achieve significant energy savings , but do it with the original app requires a working knowledge of the functions of the thermostat and an excessive concentration , with this app , just press a button.

The app should also work with models CH141 and CH143 equipped with telephone remote Ct3m or Ct3 always Fantini Cosmi , but I have not tested the actual operation .

Attention ! The application consumes a lot of messages from both phone and thermostat , you may want a phone plan that includes sending many sms.

Notes on the thermostat CH140 gsm , the Original Application of Fantini Cosmi and this application :
- If you enter a temperature in the original number after the decimal point without the application gives no error , but the temperature is not changed .
This problem does not arise with this application and as' unable to send temperatures thermostat with wrong sizes .
By placing time - sequentially activating the program jolly jolly and the message returned may not be correct , but the thermostat correctly transposes the setting.

NB : These notes are generated from the experience made ​​with the specimen in my possession. I do not exclude that with different firmware versions of the behavior of the thermostat changes .

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