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AppLockr Lock Your Apps Windows app sale (Windows app)

677 4.2

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"AppLockr Lock Your Apps is App of The Day on myAppFree, don't miss your daily deals"

Disguise Your App with Applockr
Password protect your apps from start screen to enhance privacy and security of your personal data.

With the help of AppLockr, you may:
Never have to worry about private data ready by someone again!
Freely share phone with friends without worrying about private data!
Freely give phone to co-workers to have a look at it! Without worrying
Freely give phone to your kids with all important apps locked so they won’t be able to create a mess again!

Password protect your social media accounts, emails, messengers, wallet and other important apps carrying personal private data that includes

Social Apps :Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Keek, Vine, 6tag, 6 sec
Texting : Whatsapps, Viber, Skype, Facebook Messenger, We Chat, BBM
Email : Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL and more
TOOLS : Microsoft Word : One note : excel : Powerpoint
More Apps : Xbox, foursquare, Wallet etc

- Easy to use – simple – convenient
- Easily access apps via password
- Retrieve password if lost
- App lock imp apps with password
- Enhances privacy by securing app with password
- Disguise your apps from start screen
- Pin to start all important apps for quick access
- Secure App tiles with password protection
- Password Protected Tile shortcuts for all major apps

Future Upgrades:
We will try our best to keep improving this app with more features!

WINDOWS PHONE OS has certain limitation though we as developers tried our best to give you best possible LOCK APPS experience.
Please be gentle while giving and writing reviews as its “WINDOWS PHONE OS
LIMITATIONS “not ours.

Price Last month

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2,8 MB



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