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Client for Google Music Mobile Windows app sale (Windows app)

530 4

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Listen to your favorite music with Client for Google Music Mobile!

Client for Google Music Mobile allows you to listen to music from the popular music service Google Play Music very convenient!

This program is designed specifically for true music lovers and it has all necessary functions:

- Listen to tracks from your library.
- Search by own Library. (Only for standard account)
- Cache tracks and albums.
- "Thumbs up" playlist.
- Watch videos on YouTube.
- Pin / unpin playlist, album, artist.
- Move from song to artist and album.
- View album covers and artist photos.
- Cached tracks are sorted by artists and albums.
- Tracks in the Library are sorted by artists and albums. (Only for standard account)
* Search and listen to music on the service Google Play Music.
* Cache music from the service Google Play Music.
* Add tracks to your library.
* Listen to music from sections: "Top Albums", "Novelties", "Recommended", "Related" and "Top Tracks".
* Listen to music from the section "Radios".
The app supports live tiles depicting recently listened albums. In Client for Google Music Mobile all music is sorted by album, tracks and artists.

Are you looking for the most convenient way to listen to music from Google Play Music on your Windows Phone? - Click "Install" Client for Google Music Mobile! This is what you need!

Watch how to sign in if your account is with 2-Step-Verification

Functions marked with "*" are available only to users with All Access subscription Google Play Music.

Client for Google Music Mobile is not an official client. All rights to the word «Google» owned by Google.

You can also enjoy your favorite music on your Windows 8.1/10 device! Install Client for Google Music from the Windows Store!

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