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Earth Lock Screen Windows app sale (Windows app)

712 3.6

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Now in top 50 apps in several countries! Thank you all for your downloads!


This app allows you to set dynamically rendered picture of Earth as a lock screen wallpaper or live tile and see which parts of it are in daylight and which are in night at given moment and selected location.

Images are rendered and updated completely offline (no network connection involved) with almost no impact on precious battery life.

If you love customizing your smartphone you should definitely try this app as it's a great way to liven up your lock screen in a simple yet interesting form.

Trial is fully functional, buy to get rid of watermark and support further development of unique Windows Phone lock screen apps.


What's new in 1.1:

- flat projection
- wide tile
- alternative texture

Price Last month

Additional information

1,7 MB

