Find places and get directions from your favorite services like Google, Bing and Foursquare in seconds. Never get lost or miss a place in a new locality.
Look for hotels, coffee shops, ATMs, etc. in and around you. Now optimized for Windows 10
With over 250K downloads on Windows Platform, more features to come....
• Search places like café, mall, hotel, etc. using easy quick links
• Get directions to your favorite places using Google and any other installed app
• Google Places and Foursquare support with reviews and ratings
• Pin searched place to start screen with beautiful images
• Live Tiles
• Get the best places around you - Read Google+, Yelp and Foursquare ratings and reviews to decide where to eat, play, shop and more
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Some services may not be available in all countries/regions.
This is a third party app and is not associated with Google, Foursquare, Yelp or Microsoft.