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Celebrating Fireworks Festival Android app sale (Android app)

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Festival of fireworks - action of the international scale which anyone can see.
For participation in a festival teams of experts in fireworks from the different countries traditionally gather.
Here they show to the audience not only spectacular salutes,
but also the last development in the field of pyrotechnic technologies and fireworks art.

The history of fireworks totals not one hundred years.
Many people from an extreme antiquity decorated the holidays
big fires or set of small sparks were fiery lighting effects - initially it.
But written sources of the past kept few data on similar light shows of the different people.
This spectacular picture makes sky appear on a skin, it makes anybody shiver with excitement and childish admiration.

Gradually fiery light representations were improved and, eventually, became that we now call fireworks.
Around the world the love to fireworks doesn't cool down for a second.
Myriads of light streaks and fireballs fly upwards in a dark sky! Miraculous fireworks!
The dark night sky is suddenly enlightened in thousands colors and a great show begins.

Large role in their promoting play various festivals held in many countries.
But, perhaps, one of the most grandiose events of such plan - a festival of fireworks.

* Now supported Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" and Android 7.1.1 "Nougat".
* Realistic Quality HD Artwork, truly Live 3D Animation in HD Appearance.
* Few minor update and optimizations to improve compatibility.
* More our live wallpapers at: http://piedlove.com
* Our video channel at: http://piedlove.com/video
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