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CPU Monitor PRO Android app sale (Android app)

746 4.6 100

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Find out what slows your Android device!

CPU Monitor application provides information about all running applications on the device.
Gets the CPU usage for each process. The data collected in real-time configurable interval (1-10 seconds).

On Android devices above 5.0 may require root privileges to show all processes.

CPU usage is displayed on the notification bar and on the widget.

After exceeding a predetermined threshold level (10%), the color in the list and on the widget changes from green through yellow, to red.

Compared to competing applications, the CPU Monitor is much better
because it uses only about 1% of the CPU to work in monitoring mode in the background, and about 4-10% while the standard.

The PRO ads are disabled.

Required qualifications:
INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - to display ads in the free version and support my work (you can remove the ads in the "Remove Ads")
CHECK_LICENSE - control of the pay-version license
GET_TASKS, RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to read data processor and automatically start the application

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