PiRelay - Raspberry Pi GPIO Control for Automation discount icon

PiRelay - Raspberry Pi GPIO Control for Automation Android app sale (Android app)

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SETUP INSTRUCTIONS: http://bit.ly/pirelay

PiRelay - The easy way to Switch Relays using the GPIO Pins on a Raspbery Pi (Control anything from 1 to 100 Relays connected to up to 5 RaspberryPi's)

PiRelay is the original and best app for use with Raspberry Pi's running the PiRelay software to Switch or Pulse the GPIO pins on up to 5 Raspberry Pi's with Switch/Pulse control of up to 100 Relays/GPIO pins.

This app can be used to control virtually anything that uses an electronic switch to operate.

For example: Switch on/off Lights, open/close Electronic Garage Doors, open/close Gates, Unlock Doors, Control Heating, Cooling etc.. Anything you can think of that you might want to control, if you can wire it up, PiRelay can control it.

**\\ Share a YouTube Video of your Project //** - Use keyword: PiRelayApp to share your creation with the PiRelay community.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must follow the instructions to install PiRelay onto your Raspberry Pi before this app will work.

INSTRUCTIONS: http://bit.ly/pirelay

Ask questions in the PiRelay thread on the Raspberry Pi forum: http://bit.ly/RPiForumPiRelay

Features of PiRelay

- Control up to 100 Relays
- Use up to 5 Raspberry Pi's
- Swipe down to refresh relay status
- Ability to send a pulse signal (i.e. Switch relay on then immediately off)
- Ability to assign Icons to relays
- Alternative On/Off Icons
- Refresh relay status
- Screen rotation
- Pi Header Diagrams for Rev1 (P1) & Rev2 (J8) boards
- Ability to change the Title Bar Name
- Ability to set the Wiring Pi Pin # used by each relay
- Free App (Ad Supported) with optional "In App Purchase" to remove ads

© 2013 JasonFindlay.com

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