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Podkicker Pro Android app sale (Android app)

2089 4.4 10K

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Podkicker is one of the most popular podcast managers for android.

★ This is the pro version of podkicker that has NO ADS and will receive new features before everyone else.

★ Minimalistic, fast and efficient
★ Audio and video support.
★ Chromecast support (beta).
★ Flattr integration.
★ Transfer of downloads to dropbox or similar.
★ Dedicated search engine containing 260.000+ podcasts.
★ Automatic downloads and rich notifications.
★ Podcast suggestions based on current subscriptions.
★ Carmode when driving.
★ Sleeptimer.
★ Categories.
★ Frequent updates.

If you have problems or feature requests, just drop me an email and we'll figure it out.

A quickstart to get you going:

The Podcast tab lists the podcasts you currently subscribe to.

The Episode tab lists the 200 latest episodes from all your subscriptions.

The Downloads tab lists the episodes you have downloaded to your device.

The rest should be quite self explanatory.

Price Last month

Additional information

10 thousand

4.3 thousand
