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Resume App Android app sale (Android app)

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Resume App
Are you looking for a job or a new career? If so, you need a resume (Curriculum Vitae, CV) that will really impress your potential employer. A great way to get a professional looking resume is with the help of Resume App. With this app you can create professional looking resume for free.
Once you have created it you will be able to save it as PDF file. You can also share the resume with other apps.

How it Works?
Getting started is simple. You choose one of the professional templates. Once the template is chosen, simply fill it in with the correct information. That's it! You are now ready to impress employers.

Basic Features
* Great looking resume
* Use your Facebook data to quickly fill your data
* Save or share resume as PDF
* Publish your resume on Facebook or Google+
* Professional templates
* Add your picture
* Add logos of your previous employers / schools

Premium features (see app for prices)
* No "This resume is made with Resume App" in generated PDF's
* No Ads

It really is that simple to create and share a professional resume with the help of Resume App. Your CV will never appear more appealing and professional than with the services offered here. Go on give it a try.
If you have any queries or issues for which you need our assistance: Feel free to mail us, contact info is in the app.

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Price Last month

Additional information

500 thousand

9.6 thousand


In-app products

3.99 - Free