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Tropical Sandy Beach Waves HD Android app sale (Android app)

430 4.4 100

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Amazing sunset on the sandy beach and tender warm ocean. Feel warmth under feet!
Waves on tropical sandy beach at sunset. Do you feel warmth under your feet?

Warm sand... What can be more pleasant?
It’s between your toes and the feeling being barefoot on this tropical sandy beach is incredible.
The tender warm sea brings it wave’s right up to your feet and when it reaches you, you feel the touch of the water.

Salty splashes are in your skin and your lips.
How beautiful the sea can be at a sunset.

How wonderful to sit like this and to stare at water and the waves coming back and forth, bringing white foam and taking away all the sorrows and misfortunes.
One can’t possibly feel miserable at the place like this one.
Happiness is in the air here.

* Now supported Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" and Android 7.1.1 "Nougat".
* Realistic Quality HD Artwork, truly live 3D animation in HD appearance.
* Few minor update and optimizations to improve compatibility.
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Introducing “Live Wallpaper” Caller ID.
This personalization as “Live Wallpaper” caller ID helps you identify numbers real-time while the call is happening - even the ones not in your phonebook.
No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers - “Live Wallpaper” caller ID prepares you for the call.
If your local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone when you’re calling, “Live Wallpaper” caller ID will suggest alternative nearby places.
You can always adjust your caller ID settings in the settings menu.

By downloading and/or using this mobile application - the app or service you accept and agree to be bound by the following terms of service and all applicable laws and regulations governing the app:

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