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Book of Shadows iOS app sale (iOS app)

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Version II of our Book of Shadows is Now Available and it has been rebuilt from the ground up with some GREAT new features!

Whether you are starting out, a seasoned Wiccan/Pagan or just interested in Herbs, Crystals and Essential Oils, Book of Shadows brings you a synergy of Old World Knowledge and Cutting Edge Technology.

While Book of Shadows presents itself as an electronic version of your Traditional Book of Shadows, the real strength lies in the handy references and over 200 spells that it brings to the table.

We would never expect a true Wiccan/Pagan to give up their traditional Book of Shadows, but it is nice to know that you can always keep a copy of your book of Shadows with you.

The References also provide a wide range of information on Spells and Spell Casting, Herbs, Crystals, Essential Oils, A Well Expanded Glossary and much more. Additionally, all of this information is available off-line, so if your favorite Apothecary is out of cell range and you're looking for that special Crystal or Herb your Book of Shadows is still only a tap away!

Book of Shadows is all about positive energies and does not contain anything which is harmful to others or deals in the darker side of magick (occult, Black Magick).

For more information about Book of Shadows check out today!

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