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Brain Wave ™ 32 Binaural Progs iOS app sale (iOS app)

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Multi-Stage Binaural Programs Combined with Included Ambient Music, Nature Sounds, or your own iTunes Music * A Broad Range of Binaural Programs for Sleep, Focus, Memory, Energy, Positive Mood, Confidence, Anxiety Relief, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Meditation and much more! * Use the Included Playlist Creator to create an iTunes Playlist for each Program * Use with apps like Spotify, TuneIn, Podcasts, or Audio Book Readers * Universal iOS app with UIs included for iPad, iPhone/iPod Touch, iPhone 5/6/6+/6s/7 so you get it across all your devices! * Supports Family Share * Different states of mind are associated with specific brainwave frequencies that would be inaudible if played directly. These frequencies can be induced in the brain by indirectly by playing two different audible binaural tones into each ear, which after being processed by the brain, are perceived as an inaudible low frequency beat matching the target brainwave frequency. As you listen, your brainwaves fall into step with this inaudible binaural beat, and after a few minutes synchronize with the target brainwave frequency. Brain Wave's 32 included programs layer these tones and binaural beat sequences into multi-stage experiences to create complete Brainwave Entrainment sessions that have helped thousands of people focus and concentrate, feel positive and motivated, and sleep more soundly.

- To use Brain Wave with Spotify or an Audio Book Reader start the other app first and then ours. To listen with a podcast, start Brain Wave first.

- Program duration is fully adjustable. If the program has multiple Binaural Stages the individual stages will be lengthened or shortened accordingly.

- Programs use composite Binaural Tones that stimulate multiple brainwave frequencies to create combination experiences, such as Power Nap, Exercise Motivation or a Positive Mood Boost.

- Each program goes through a progression of binaural beats, each for a specific period of time sufficient to synchronize your brainwaves with the binaural tones.

*** Features ***

- 32 Advanced Binaural Brainwave Entrainment Programs to use throughout the day.

- Multiple program durations (10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours). You can also set your own custom duration.

- Use the included Ambience or create a playlist of your own iTunes Music to use with each program. Your brain will process the binaural frequencies played over these background sounds.

- Save preferred settings, including background audio, iTunes playlist, Alarm settings, and volume for each Brainwave Program.

- Choose from one of the 10 gentle alarm sounds, or select your own iTunes Music track.

** 32 Included Binaural Brainwave Entrainment Programs **

- Morning Coffee
- Espresso Shot
- Morning Meditation
- Focused and Alert
- Critical Thinking
- Concentration
- Memory Boost
- Problem Solving
- Brainstorm
- Confidence Boost
- Pre-Exercise Energy
- Creativity Boost
- Positive Mood Boost
- Motivation Boost
- Euphoria
- Stress Reduction
- Anger Relief
- Calm Reflection
- Reduce Anxiety
- Deep Relaxation
- Meditation
- Lucid Dreaming
- Dreamy Sleep
- Power Nap
- Deep Sleep
- Deep Sleep with Wake-up Stage
- Dreamy Sleep with Wake-up Stage
- Headache Relief
- Hangover Relief
- Yoga Meditation
- Alpha Relaxation
- Theta Meditation

** Included Ambient Music and Nature Sounds **

- Beach Surf
- Ocean Waves
- Ocean Waves 2
- Rain and Thunder
- Atmospheres: Serenity
- Atmospheres: Awakening
- Atmospheres: Space
- Atmospheres: Drifting
- Atmospheres: Peace
- Atmospheres: Floating
- Atmospheres: Soaring
- Medium Rain
- Light Rain
- Waterfall
- Flowing Creek
- Pink Noise
- Forest

** Alarms Include: **

- Chinese Flute
- Gong
- Earthship
- Electronic
- Tingsha
- Morning Mantra
...and More

* Binaural Brainwave entrainment can take effect rapidly and should not be used while driving or operating machinery.

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