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Converter (unit conversions) iOS app sale (iOS app)

2152 3.5

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"A very nice, no-frills tool—the best of the lot." —Macworld Magazine (4 mice)

The easiest unit converter in the App Store is now the best for the new iPhone 5!

Converter helps you with the mess of units you encounter in your everyday life. Convert from feet to yards to meters to miles with only a few taps. Converter handles 76 measurement units of eight common types, including length, weight, temperature, speed, data, volume (including common cooking units like teaspoons), area, and time. It also includes 63 currencies, with currency exchange rates updated every day over the Internet.

Converter is designed for easy, casual use, with big, beautiful displays that are usable in all light conditions and at arm's length. And it includes a four-function calculator for those times when you have twelve three-pound widgets and you need the kilogram equivalent.

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1,8 MB

1.8 thousand
