Free Music Downloader / Mp3 PRO discount icon

Free Music Downloader / Mp3 PRO Windows app sale (Windows app)

1099 4.2

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Enjoy unlimited free listening to millions of songs in your windows 8.1 and 10 without ads.
Free Music Downloader / Mp3 PRO allows you to easily play and download the music you like in your Windows device.
This happens in only 3 steps: Search, Play or preview and download.

- Search song and album by track name or artists
- No advertisements
- Unlimited access to millions songs from public domains
- Auto suggestion in the search bar
- Explore top Billboard & iTunes tracks from all genre
- Background plays support

You also have the featured tracks from Billboard / iTunes charts categorised by genre (Country music, Pop, Hip Hop, RnB, Blues, Reggae, rock, Electronic, Jazz, Dance and Songwriter).

We are using third part websites to get all the data.
Upcoming features:
- Playlist option
- Video related to the music
Please note that the downloading and viewing of any file protected by copyright is prohibited and regulated by the laws of the country where you live. We assume no responsibility for any misuse of Download Manager. All rights belong to their respective owners

Price Last month

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2 MB

