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MoveIt Windows app sale (Windows app)

711 4.2

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Fun and challenging game play. Play by touching each block until blocks are gone. Immerse yourself in a game of colored blocks and relax listening to groovy music. Play easy to hard levels and increase your challenge with easy to crazy timers. Are you new to MoveIt? Then start off with beginner. Got the hang of the game then try the hard level. The hard level is where all of the fun is at. Don’t quit without trying the hard level and see what the rave is all about. Start off with a few blocks and work your way up to a twisted game with many blocks with multiple paths to complete. Infinite levels!

• Move the from block to block in the shape of an L like a chess piece.
• Read and follow in game help before the game starts.
• Read the in game help.

New in 1.7:
• Moved to games category.

New in 1.6:
• Fixed so that it is easier to distinguish the colors.

Price Last month

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4,5 MB

