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Player for Google Play Music Windows app sale (Windows app)

358 4.1

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The popular web service Google Play Music is now available for your Windows Phone!
Install the new app Player for Google Play Music and enjoy your favorite music!
With Player for Google Play Music you can:
- search for music on the service Google Play Music;
- listen to music at the service Google Play Music;
- cache tracks, albums;
- listen to tracks from your own music library;
- search for artists, albums and tracks from Explore;
- access to playlists include "Thumbs up" playlist;
- view photo of artist and album covers;
- view similar artists;
- attach the album and playlist on the main screen;
- listen to the radio;
- listen to music from sections: "Top Albums", "New", "Recommended", "Similar", "Top Tracks";
- search in Library;
- move from song to artist and album;
- listen to music from sections Library / Albums and Library / Artists;
- listen to cached tracks from sections Cached Albums and Cached Artists;
- sort by genre in Explore.
All music in Player for Google Play Music are sorted by album, tracks and artists. The app supports live tiles with displaying albums that you recently listened.
Run away from the monotony of everyday life! Choose Player for Google Play Music! Live in the world of music!

This is IMPORTANT for users of the program:
Here you can get the information how to sign in if you using 2-Step-Verification

Please check this link to verify if Google Play Music Service is supporting in your country.

Dear users! If you have problems with playing your songs, please close the app and open it again. Our team is already working on a fix for this problem.

This App is unofficial client. All rights to the word «Google» owned by Google.
© 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.
© 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google Music™ service is a trademark of Google Inc.

Use Google Play Music service on your PC / tablet with Windows 8.1! Install GMusic app from the Windows Store. Happy listening!

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