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VK Ringtone Maker Windows app sale (Windows app)

820 4.3

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VK Ringtone Maker is an app for Windows Phone users, who want to create own unique ringtones for their smartphones.
There are two ways for creating ringtones with VK Ringtone Maker:
1st Using your VK account. For this you need to Log in your account via VK Ringtone Maker. After that, all tracks from your vk page will be editable.
2nd You can record your own ringtone using dictaphone.

App Features:
- Edit ringtones from the social network VKontakte.
- Record your own ringtones.
- Listen to the created ringtones before saving.
- Give names for created ringtones.
- Set just-created ringtone as phone call after saving.
- Add the current song to the cached audio of Sky Media Player by clicking "add to playlist".

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