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Win8 Controller Windows app sale (Windows app)

1507 3.6

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Most feature rich remote control app out there!

Control your Windows 8 PC from your Windows Phone!

It's really fast and fluid! Give it a try, you'll love it!

Some features of Win8 Controller includes:

- Multitouch Gestures (pinch, stretch, swipe, rotate)
- Natural Scrolling Experience (Scroll horizontally and vertically as you scroll on a tablet. Works in both metro and desktop apps)
- Use as a mouse
- Remote Controls (Includes most popular apps)
- Voice Commands (Just say the command. Only for WP 8.0 and later)
- Custom Gesture Commands (Draw something and perform an action like opening a folder)
- Motion Actions (Shake/Tilt/Motion Zoom)
- Edge Gestures (Swipe from edges to perform an action)
- Search Google and YouTube easily (by typing or by speaking)
- Tiles Screen (Apart from custom tiles, includes most needed shortcuts like show start, show desktop, open computer and much more)
- Virtual Keyboard (Type text by using your Windows Phone's keyboard. Use WordFlow feature)
- Power Options (Shut down, restart, hibernate, sleep, lock, log off your computer with one tap)
- Wake On LAN (Wake your computer up with one tap)
- Volume Control (Adjust/mute/unmute your computer's volume from your phone.)
- Panic Button
- Almost all actions are customizable.
- Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientations.
- Quick Connect feature

* Some features are only available in Paid version!

** You need to download and install Win8 Controller Server app (it is totally FREE) to your Windows 8 PC because your phone communicates with your computer through this application.
To download the server app, please visit

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2,6 MB

